--> DDA Case Studies
Medical Video ProductionMedical Video Production


Website Conversion for Apple iPhone and iPad Compatibility

The Adobe® Flash® platform pervades the internet. It has been the go-to tool for web developers looking to inject interactivity and movement into their sites. Flash, however, is not viewable on the iPad® or iPhone®. When using an iOS-powered device, viewers will see unsightly holes where attractive, attention-grabbing, and interactive presentations should be. Do not settle for a sub-standard mobile viewing experience. With the population of mobile web users growing by the minute, it has never been more important to consider the mobile audience. Dynamic Digital Advertising, LLC (DDA) can bring incompatible Flash presentations back to life. With a mastery of the latest Apple-approved development and programming languages and technologies, and an eye to detect and recognize incompatible web development practices such as CSS Fixed Positioning, DDA converts sites for the optimal mobile viewing experience. Contact us today to learn more about our capabilities in mobile website conversions.

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