--> DDA Case Studies
Medical Video ProductionMedical Video Production


Virtual Meetings

In the past, company meetings required the coordinated effort of all involved parties. Out-of-town, -state, and -country associates made the often costly trip to participate in person, while food, materials, and visual aids drove costs to soaring heights. Today, with the prevalence of digital and interactive communication technologies, all of this has changed with virtual meeting tools that make it possible to broadcast and share the happenings of a meeting to participants remotely located anywhere and at any time. As a developer of interactive communication technologies, Dynamic Digital Advertising, LLC (DDA) is the company that can make it happen. By applying our vast knowledge of webcasting, streaming, and media technologies, DDA seamlessly transmits footage of speakers, visual aids such as PowerPoints, and audio as it occurs. Custom-programmed communication tools make it possible for participants to exchange commentary and material for an experience that is equal to in-person interactions. Contact DDA today for additional information on Virtual Meetings.

You've never found a better way to communicate, educate, train, explain, and connect than with DDA. When you're ready to explore the full possibilities of what DDA's digital world has to offer, contact DDA.