Augmented and Virtual Reality
Turn static product pictures into 360-degree rotations with user navigation controls. Tour rooms, spaces, or environments without leaving your home or office. Learn how to use new products, practice using them in a safe setting, and test your knowledge of device operation in one short online session. Use a video webcam and see your image layered with three-dimensional virtual elements that change as you move. Do what you can’t do in the real world in a virtual world with DDA’s immersive virtual reality simulations and augmented reality development. For training, visualization, or advertising applications, virtual and augmented reality technology from DDA is completely custom and totally impressive. From virtual trade show websites to immersive eLearning environments, let DDA transform your perception of marketing in the 21st century.
You've never found a better way to communicate, educate, train, explain, and connect than with DDA. When you're ready to explore the full possibilities of what DDA's digital world has to offer, contact DDA.