360-Degree Presentations
The world isn’t flat, so why should your presentations be? Make presentations come to life with virtual 360-degree views. From 360-degree product photography to 3D online virtual tours, the options for interactive presentations are limitless. With 360-product photos, you get to see all angles by simply maneuvering a control mechanism for a smooth range of motion. Showing a 360-degree image of a product makes it easier for customers or clients to know what they see will be what they get.
The photography department of Dynamic Digital Advertising can capture images of your product with a digital camera, video equipment, or through computer-generated 3D modeling. The graphic design team will then assemble the 360-degree images for the virtual product rotations. DDA programmers will make sure the 360-degree product viewer is compatible for use through CD-ROM or DVD presentations, trade show videos, mobile devices, or across all operating systems and website browsers.
You've never found a better way to communicate, educate, train, explain, and connect than with DDA. When you're ready to explore the full possibilities of what DDA's digital world has to offer, contact DDA.